On August 5, the UAE Embassy in Washington, DC hosted a conversation on the critical role of diplomacy and building cultural understanding.
Moderated by Prospect Global Advisor, Toni Verstandig, the discussion featured UAE Minister of State HE Zaki Nusseibeh, Former United States Chief of Protocol Ambassador Capricia Marshall, Assistant Undersecretary for Protocol Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation HE Shihab Al Faheem and Head of Cultural Diplomacy at the UAE Embassy in Washington, DC Dana Al Marashi. The panelists shared experiences, anecdotes and extensive knowledge on how soft and smart diplomacy plays a critical role in paving the way to stronger bilateral relations between countries and building meaningful and lasting friendships.
Guggenheim Abu Dhabi has launched its virtual program “In the Studio” to highlight emerging artists in Abu Dhabi through interviews and studio visits. In the first episode of the four-part series, meet Emirati artist Maitha Abdalla, whose practice explores themes of memory and travel.
In the second episode of “Artist Reflections,” Suzy Sikorski, Founder of Mid East Art, joins Syrian-American artist Diana Al Hadid and Emirati sculptor Shaikha Al Mazrou to discuss materials, form and structure experimentation in their practice.
‘Beyond the Mall’ brings Smithsonian Folklife Festival content to viewers virtually. During a live coffee klatch, manager at the UAE’s Lest We Forget initiative Safiya Al Maskari and NYUAD student Anma Khalid Al Mehairi discuss the contemporary culture of coffee in the UAE and emphasize the importance of this traditional drink at family gatherings.
Hattem Mattar, a Texas-trained pitmaster based in the UAE and Berj Ghazarian of Bark BBQ, based in Baltimore, Maryland explore third-culture cuisine and their passion for Central Texas brisket with culinary historian Adrian Miller during a ‘Beyond the Mall’ Smithsonian Folklife Festival livestream.
Suzy Sikorski, Founder of Mid East Art, has partnered with the UAE Embassy’s Cultural Diplomacy Department to produce a new series featuring conversations between US-based and UAE-based artists. In the first episode of “Artist Reflections”, Suzy joins photographers Ammar Al Attar and Stephen Shore to discuss parallels and departures in their practice.
‘Beyond the Mall’ brings Smithsonian Folklife Festival content to viewers virtually. As part of the program "United Arab Emirates: Living Landscape | Living Memory,” Dubai-based NOON performed a set and discussed their approach to global music traditions in a Q&A moderated by Bill Bragin, Executive Artistic Director at the NYUAD Art Center.
The Cultural Diplomacy Department at the UAE Embassy in Washington, DC convened a discussion on “Building Bridges Through Art.” The panel explored how the relationship between US and UAE-based institutions have shaped the regional art scene in the last decade.
In the second episode of Abu Dhabi-based Warehouse421’s ‘Conversations’ series, speakers discuss art and artists in times of disruption. The conversation explores how creatives can find a way forward amidst challenging circumstances, and how institutions can support them.
Dana Al Marashi, Head of Cultural Diplomacy at the UAE Embassy in Washington, DC, hosts a series of virtual online Iftar dinners throughout Ramadan, gathering with friends, colleagues and partner organizations, including the Smithsonian Institution Folklife Festival, Louvre Abu Dhabi, National Gallery of Art, Freer Sackler and Galleries, North Carolina Museum of Art, Washington Institute for Near East Policy, Boston Museum of Fine Art, Al Serkal Avenue, Art Jameel and many more from around the world. The conversations address tradition, heritage, common interests and shared values.
UAE-based pitmaster Hattem Mattar gives Texas brisket an Emirati flavor and discusses how third culture cuisine brings people together from all parts of the globe.
On April 29, the Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington hosted a panel discussion featuring UAE-based arts and culture leaders on how the creative sectors in the Gulf are adapting to a new reality.
Smithsonian Folklife Festival UAE program curators and the Knot-UAE Founder Sana’a Amro discuss Ramadan in the time of COVID-19.
UAE Embassy and Meridian International Center Co-Host Virtual Discussion about UAE Architecture.
Abu Dhabi-based arts center Warehouse421’s new ‘Conversations’ series discusses how art and artists can continue in times of disruption.
President of the Sharjah Arts Foundation Hoor Al Qasimi appears on MEI panel, "Arts and Culture Panel: Adapting & Innovating in the Face of COVID-19".